Rob Portman of the Champlain Valley Waldorf School on Lake Champlain Maritime Museum’s motor boat with the privy ready for transport
On the shore of Adirondack Cove in the Split Rock Wilderness, Lake Champlain Maritime Museum , KROKA Expeditions, Lake Champlain Waldorf School, and Basin Harbor have collaborated on a project that will help in creating a cleaner Lake Champlain. They teamed up to replace an existing, not so functional outhouse with a new and improved, environmentally sound composting toilet. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum provided building materials along with transportation to the site. The property along with more materials were provided by Basin Harbor. The Lake Champlain Waldorf School built the prefabricated sections of the composting toilet in a class. KROKA Expeditions, a high school semester program that travels from the Arctic Circle to Manhattan, assembled and installed the toilet on site. As a frequent stop for boaters on Lake Champlain, this site sees a lot of overnight use. The composting toilet was a much-needed addition.