Watershed for Every Classroom

Note: Registration for this course is through Shelburne Farms. Use the link below.

Course Details

Course NameWatershed for Every Classroom
A Partnership with the Champlain Basin Education Initiative
InstructorsChamplain Basin Education Initiative partners and educators
LocationMultiple locations around Lake Champlain
DatesPostponed to 2021 – dates to be announced in Fall 2020

Course Description

Watershed for Every Classroom (WEC) is a year-long professional development experience for K-12 educators in the Lake Champlain Basin of Vermont, New York and Québec, brought to you by CBEI – the Champlain Basin Education Initiative. 

A Watershed for Every Classroom is a year-long, supported professional development program for educators who teach in the Lake Champlain Basin, presented by the Champlain Basin Education Initiative. The stories of the Lake Champlain Basin offer multiple ways to teach all subjects; engage students in learning in their community; and provide a way to integrate content, service, and a sense of belonging to one’s home place. We will explore how people, places, and things tell the stories of the Lake Champlain Basin and offer our students the opportunity to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of content, community engagement, and sense of place.  Teams of two or more educators are encouraged to apply. Individuals are also welcome.   The year long program kicks off with a week-long summer intensive in mid- July and continues through out the  school year.   The program is most suited for educators working in grades 4-9, but is applicable to all subject areas and grades.

For questions or inquiries about Watershed for Every Classroom please contact Kerri McAllister: kmcallister@shelburnefarms.org