Two canoes float on clear water with five students and one teacher in each

School Field Trips & Traveling Education Programs

Has your class ever climbed aboard a replica boat, seen a shipwreck up close, caught plankton, or tested water quality of Lake Champlain? Hands-on programs for school field trips onsite at the Museum or traveling programs in your own building give your class unique chances to explore our region’s history, archaeology, and ecology.

Book a Field Trip

We are delighted that general admission will be free again in the 2025 season and this includes self-guided school groups! Your students can enjoy our indoor and outdoor exhibits, replica boats and public demonstrations that are available to our visitors. Once you know the date, time, and general group size of your visit, please send a brief email to notify us about your visit to Education Programs Manager Meghan Hill Bartholomew at meghanh@lcmm.org.  Upon arrival, all groups must check in at our admissions desk in the Hoehl Family Visitor and Education Center before entering the Museum grounds.

If you’re interested in signing up for a field trip, please follow any of the links below to fill out the request form. A staff member will review your request and send you a follow up email to confirm your request or let you know if your requested date is not available. Dates for field trips are first come, first serve.

School Field Trips at the Museum

Three children on board a historic boat
1776: The Revolutionary War in the Champlain Valley

Grades: 4 and up

Experience the Revolutionary War history that happened on Lake Champlain in 1776. How were the lives of people living in the region impacted by this conflict? How did the American Navy build boats on Lake Champlain?

Field trip dates will be booked on a first come, first served basis. Use the button below to see if check if your preferred date is available and to reserve.

On-Water Lake Ecology

Grades: 4 and up

Using our boats and science equipment, students study the ecological conditions of Lake Champlain. Groups receive basic boating instructions, and travel on the water to conduct observations and measurements including collecting and examining plankton samples, catching fish in a seine net, and testing water quality of the lake. Destinations include the stunning Palisades, the historic confluence of Dead Creek and Otter Creek, and geologically rich Button Island.

Field trip dates will be booked on a first come, first served basis. Use the button below to see if check if your preferred date is available and to reserve.

Group of kids with the ROV
ROV Shipwreck Tour

Grades: 3 and up
Maximum number of students: 40

Students take a boat ride as we “dive” with a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) on a shipwreck at the bottom of Lake Champlain. We will explore the Champlain II, a nineteenth-century steamboat that went aground in 1875.

Note: We are not currently offering ROV Shipwreck Tour field trips.

Traveling Programs in Schools

Giant Lake Champlain Map

Grades: Great for all ages!

Bring an accurate, detailed, and truly giant (35’ x 27’) map of our watershed to your school!

These projects have been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (LC-00A00707-0) to NEIWPCC in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP).